Requirements for
Edible Food Generators


Tier 1 Food Generators

  • Supermarket
  • Grocery Store: Total facility size equal to or greater than 10,000 sq.ft
  • Food service provider
  • Food distributor
  • Wholesale food vendor

Tier 2 Food Generators

  • Restaurants 250+ seats, or a total facility size equal to or greater than 5,000 sq. ft
  • Hotel with on-site food facility and 200+ rooms
  • Health facility with an on-site food facility and 100+ beds
  • Lare venue
  • Large event
  • State agency with cafeteria with 250+ seats or total facility size equal or greater than 5,000 sq. ft 
  • Local education agency with on-site food facility.
Required Actions
January 1, 2022
Regulations take effect and enforcement begins
Comply with recordkeeping and reporting for Tier 1 generators (donors)
January 1, 2024
Local governments take over enforcement
Comply with recordkeeping and reporting for Tier 2 generators (donors)
Steps for Compliance

Step 1:

Secure written agreements or contracts with food recovery organizations to receive your donation.

Step 2:

Begin donating excess edible food.

Step 3:

Maintain donation records at business location to be submitted to your city.